for reuse
in construction

"Central Alarms" project

A Cirkla project

project supported by the FOEN.

Cirkla outlines the Centralized Alarms project, giving anyone interested the opportunity to read it, forward this page to those you know, and make comments using the form at the end of this presentation.

The central alarm system facilitates the search for construction elements offered by the various platforms for the reuse of materials.


Image montrant une personne qui réfléchit sur le fait de chercher une porte issue du réemploi.

I am looking for reusable doors for my project.

Image servant a illustrer le fait que je peux chercher une porte sur plusieurs plateformes d'achats.


I register my search with the central alarm system.


I receive an email every time a new door is published on the participating platforms.


The search on the various platforms takes a lot of time.

Automatically receiving notifications of every new listing that matches my search criteria is much more efficient.

The access to the central alarm system is located on, but also on any platform participating in the project.

Image comportant des icônes de chariots pour symboliser plusieurs plateformes de vente. Des engrenages se trouvent sur chacun d'eux et un gros engrenage se trouve sur la gauche pour montrer que le système est centralisé.

Participating platforms will connect their own alarm systems to the Cirkla project.

Platforms that do not currently have an alarm system will be equipped with one through the project.

However, similarity of search criteria will become necessary without the need for them to be exactly the same.

The project is pragmatic, relatively simple and yet has a great impact.

What's next?

We will propose dates for online meetings. We will discuss in particular:

  • Your opinion about this project proposal

  • How to implement the selected design

Invites others to participate

Do you know someone who is interested in this project? Make it known by sharing this link!

Would you like to participate in this project?

Send us your contact details and comments using the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Une image avec des icônes d'enveloppes symbolisant des messages ou des courriels.

Your contact information no later than September 18, 2023

Your comments on this project no later than September 18, 2023.

One answer

  1. I find the idea of the central alarm super. However, bauteilclick had such a system for years and we from the Bauteilvermittlung Zürichsee-Oberland (BTVZ) were connected to this system. If someone was looking for something, we got this notification. In all those years we kept statistics and found out that we actually couldn't mediate anything that way. That was sobering.
    Today, it is the case that we always have offers, but a low demand for components. It is imperative that more reused components be installed. We are in the process of placing this with the public sector so that they will install them for their own properties.
    The search criteria must be rough so that they are met on all platforms. We have chosen very large categories at BTVZ and no fine divisions.
    BTVZ is part of the Local Agenda 21 Stäfa association and setting up the alarm system could be a challenge for the programmer. We will see how this can be solved. We will gladly advertise it to the 14 communities that support us. It is great that something can be done in terms of circular economy in the building industry.

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